Create a million dollar message, & sell out your high ticket services with cash creating content




You’re ready to have dream clients find you, binge your content and convert into high paying clients in 7 days or less

You’re ready to have your highest cash months without needing to get on a sales call (cus your content does the selling for you)

You’re ready to have the recipe to re-activate your “cold” audience, & have those silent lurkers finally reaching out ready to say YES

You’re ready to raise your rates, & charge a premium price tag for your services because you KNOW your service & expertise is head and shoulders above the rest, & you have the track record to prove it.

Despite that knowing, you aren’t pricing what you want because you don’t believe people would pay (despite people paying double to work with someone with half your knowledge & skill set)

It’s led you to think you just need to grow your audience, and get more eye balls on your work

But what if I was to tell you your highest ticket clients are currently already in your audience? You just aren’t speaking to them directly enough in your current content.

Every single piece of content I create makes me money. This isn’t luck. This is strategic marketing to high ticket clients.

High ticket clients are looking for a very specific set of things to decide who they want to work with, and most generic marketing programs do not teach the psychological cues required.

What high ticket clients need…

  1. Micro Specificity: To feel you understand them & their problems specifically

  2. Authority demonstration: To trust you are able to solve their problems through tried & tested processes

  3. Elevated Tonality: To be spoken to as a capable human (not shamed into a decision)

Without just ONE of these aspect, high ticket clients will glaze straight over your content, & on your the next.

If you’re feeling at a loss as to how to effectively articulate the massive life-changing value of what you do, & the authority you’ve built and put them into micro pieces of content… don’t fret.

All you need to do is elevate your messaging by using High Ticket Authority Content.

When you do that, you’ll experience…

Have ONE post draw in aligned, high ticket clients that are ready to make a change, AND pay your prices

✦ You have the strategy to double your overall revenue, whether you’re currently at $5k or $50k months, you know you can increase your monthly bottom line simply by speaking to high end clients through your content

✦ Your content does the selling for you, meaning sales calls get to be a thing of the past. Imagine converting $30k clients directly in the DMs!

✦ Not have to spend all day wondering what to post to speak directly to those high ticket clients, now you just KNOW that every single post gets people closer and closer to working with you


& all it takes is learning the SKILL of speaking to a high end buyer through your content, & learning the art of persuasion through cash creating content



My High Ticket Authority C.A.S.H method has allowed me to scale to $100k PLUS months (without any private coaching)

✦ I use Branded Concepts to demonstrate my Authority in everything I do, and weave all of my content together in a way that makes sense

✦ I use Authority Angles to specify my content during launch periods to not confuse my audience

✦ I use High Ticket Characteristics to attract in ONLY the most self-led insane humans who get result

✦ I use my Messaging Elevator to elevate my content whenever I launch something new, pivot or raise my prices

✦ & I use Visibility Conversion Content to build momentum, grow and convert my followers at scale (this takes the premise of influencer content, but makes it high converting)

I have distilled my 9+ years of experience in organic & SEO marketing & buyer psychology (in large corporations & small start ups) & working into a signature process that I call the High Ticket Authority C.A.S.H method, that weaves in all of the above concepts to ensure you’re a MATCH for high-ticket clients.

the C.A.S.H method:






Phase One

Clarify Your Audience


What goes into creating compelling content? What’s the psychology behind it? Uncover it all in this first module


Create a mindset that aligns with high-ticket buyers. No more sabotaging yourself out of fear that people can’t afford your prices. It’s time to OWN what you do.


What makes high ticket buyers TICK? Learn the psychology about what makes someone a high ticket buyer, & how to speak directly to them - they’ll be ready and waiting to hand over the credit cards!


The holy grail of marketing tools. This is exactly what I use with my highest level clients to elevate their marketing to speak to a higher caliber of client - this is your wingmate for higher cash months!


Phase Two

Articulate Your Genius


The content creation process for you to re-use anywhere that you create content. You will take all the micro information & psychology you’ve gathered on your dream client, & swirl content together that is designed to speak directly to the heart of high end buyers, & simultaneously inspire them to take action & buy!


You will learn the exact pieces of content (& how to create them) that GROW and CONVERT your audience.

Phase Three

HIGH TICKET Storytelling Through Content

My highest converting content frameworks

Get access to the ultimate Story-selling & conversion frameworks of all time. These frameworks have made me MILLIONS of dollars over the year, & you’ll get the full breakdown


You will finish this module knowing exactly how to use your content, & how to use the different types of content in a launch plan.

You’ll also learn how to organise, plan & re-purpose your content in a simple, yet super effective way!

Phase Four

Storytelling Through Content:


Momentum parties are a KEY element of my business growth, & my clients have used them to have their largest months in business EVER!

  • I’m giving you Canva templates to make your own

  • Complete email PLUG & PLAY templates for you to just add your own copy into

  • AND Chat GPT prompts to help!


You’ll learn the difference between landing pages, & sales pages, & get a rough guide to create each of these for yourself, that will have your audience pressing BUY without even having spoken to you! When you have a sales page this good, there’s no need for sales calls…


The launch sequence that signs new clients without the need for a long or length launch - people have had their first $10k, $30k months off the back of this! This can re-warm up a cold audience in a matter of DAYS!

Plus you’ll get…

Workbooks for every module to help you integrate the teachings every step of the way

Landing & Sales Page Strategy Guide to take the weight off your writing process and help you create pages that clearly articulate the brilliance of your offer & convert

The Ultimate Story-Selling Guide so you can take this work further & become an expert story-seller

Airtable Boards for Management to organize your content creation process & speed up your delegation process



✦ ChatGPT Cheat Codes
Proven prompts rooted in sales psychology that you can feed chat GPT… Hear that? It’s the sound of you shaving HOURS of your content creation time!

✦ Content Channeling Ceremony
’ll bring my money drum, & together we’ll crack open your channel… you’ll be ideating more content than you know what to do with. You’ll have lifetime access to this recording, which you can refer back to any time you feel blocked for ideas

✦ Pre-Creation Activation Mediation
My secret hack to get you in the energy of magnetism before you sit down to create magic.

Right now, you’re sharing content just to share content, hoping that volume will get you the result you want

But you’re wasting your time and energy (& it’s the reason you aren’t making the money you want in your business)

Instead, use a proven psychology infused strategy that will get you results AND help you fully understand the psychology of a high ticket buyer (a skill you get to keep for life)

Get the EXACT frameworks that I used to have my highest converting launches EVER all from my content

& it’s not just me this works for…

  • Lily & Adam signed 95 people into their 1:many program after a few High Ticket Authority Content tweaks to their messaging

  • Helen just surpassed £200k in sales in 14 months using the Content To Cash teachings!

  • Nikki has had 5 figure sales months for 6 consecutive months in a row as a mindset coach, with the highest being $17k! Her posts are also BLOWING up on Instagram & has recently surpassed over 6000 followers!

  • Jasmine had her highest cash month of $28k since starting to implement the strategies taught in C2C, without any big fancy launches!! & this was only after modules 1 & 2!!!

  • Sarah signed 2 new clients into her group program after only watching module 1 of C2C! She shifted her messaging from pain points to empowering her audience to work with her & it made a HUGE difference.

  • Alexia had her first $10k cash month after starting C2C and implementing a strategy with her content, & not relying just on luck!

  • After only a few weeks of joining the program, Stacey started to draw in her ideal clients from her content, with someone booking a discovery call & signing up there and then to 1:1 coaching!

Is this for you?

You’re a coach or CEO looking to elevate your content to appeal to a high-ticket audience & have your content do the selling for you (& have your highest CASH months in business from PIF clients & stacked MRR)

You know the audience you want to speak to AND you’re an EXPERT in your craft… but your positioning & messaging still feels unclear - you aren’t quite sure what people need to hear that will inspire them to take action & buy (especially in this market)

✦ You want to raise your prices to match your level of expertise, & KNOW that your marketing elevates with it. You want to get those high ticket buyers already in your audience off the fence & into your highest ticket containers.

✦ You’re sharing for the sake of sharing because you think sheer volume or going viral will get you the result you desire (it’s not, doing this is the reason you aren’t making the money you want).

✦ & the people you DO seem to attract in are filled with objections & concerns. It feels like you're stuck in the cycle of having to CONVINCE people of the value of your programs - you want people PRE SOLD before they get on a call, or send you a DM!

You want to create content that cuts straight through the noise, showcases your Authority & magnetises those high ticket clients that are ready to buy straight into your dms.

The Investment

$1997 for a limited time

✦ The exact content frameworks that have made me millions from JUST organic content.

✦ The full C.A.S.H. Method that includes: The Messaging Elevator, Branded Concepts, Authority Angles, The Cash Injection Method, Momentum Parties & more

✦ Worksheets, Fieldwork & Guidelines for you to practice what you've learned - including Canva Templates, Landing & Sales Page Strategy Guidelines, ChatGPT Prompts, Plug & Play Email Templates

✦ Instant & lifetime access to the content - so you can go through at your own pace, take time to integrate, & refer back to what you’ve learned for years to come.

(flexible payment plans available)

  • Inez saw $22,999 in sales for the month after joining C2C!!!

  • Claudia hit her first ever $11k month after elavting her content & speaking more specifically to her ideal client!

  • Serena sold out her launch in only 48 hours & is on her way to her first 6 figure + year!

  • Andie blew up on TikTok & started making consistent 5 figure months as a mindset coach!

  • Simone Doubled Her Prices & Started Signing Higher Level Clients I

What Helen Has to Say

I'll be real, here's what won't work

✦ Continuing throwing spaghetti at the wall & seeing what sticks - ultimately, you don’t know what you don’t know, & there is a knowledge gap here

✦ Complicated funnels with a load of fluff in them

✦ Start running expensive FB ads - you’ll literally be pouring money down the drain. Learn to write ORGANIC marketing first!

✦ Keep changing your niche every 5 seconds, instead of doubling down on understanding your audience & how they want to be spoken to


You can stay put

You continue doing what you’re doing, crossing your fingers & hoping for the best, that one day if you pray hard enough the thousands of clients will come streaming in

Or… you can take a leap

you learnt the SKILL (which you get to keep FOR LIFE) of using your learning to articulate your services in a clear & tangible way, & use your content to persuade & activate your audience through cash creating content.

I know which I’d be choosing…



What Nikki Has to Say

  • We do no guarantee results in any of our programs as we can not control personal situations etc. However, previous students have seen changes in the way their audience engages with them within a month (if not sooner). This may depend on your current audience size & warmth. if you are starting an account from scratch, you may find it takers longer for things to kick off. If, however, you already have an established brand & you are making upgrades to your content - results may happen much faster.

  • What is taught in Content To Cash Academy is based on Neuro-Marketing & buyer psychology. That means, this isn’t guess work. The principles & strategies taught in this program have been proven again & again & if implemented consistently over a period of time - DO work. What it does require, is your commitment & dedication to continuing to improve over a period time. This IS NOT a get rich quick scheme. This is teaching you how to write, & that is like learning a new skill. But once you have that skill, you get to keep it forever. SO, whether it works for you, comes down to your own commitment to continually improving & implementing what you’re learning. If you commit for the LONG TERM - then yes, it will work for you.

  • Many other programs out there teach very basic marketing principles. They teach you how to make content pillars, & come up with ideas. What they do NOT do, is teach the nuance of speaking to a high ticket audience. It means that people end up attracting in a lot of people that have objections, & are sitting in a lot of victim mentality (meaning they can become difficult clients once in a container).

    C2CA teaches you to speak to an EMPOWERED audience, meaning the caliber of client you will be attracting in will be of a higher standard. They will be ready to show up & do the work, & will have LESS objections.

    Not only that, but C2CA is based on empowering marketing principles, meaning that we aren’t going to be teaching you to use SHAME to make a sale (like a lot of other marketing & sales program do). We will be teaching you how to make your audience feel GREAT about themselves, whilst simultaneously persuading them to take action.

    There is a reason this program has so many testimonials - because it delivers. It teaches things that most programs DO NOT. & that is why it’s so effective.

  • The great this is, you have life time access to this version of Content To Cash Academy, meaning you can revisit the content at any time! You can create a schedule that works for YOU & rest assured knowing you aren’t going to lose access.

  • Wanna know a secret? I also felt like I was a terribly writer for many years of my life. I refused to even keep a journal! But what I quickly realised was: copywriting is a skill. It is one that can be tuaght & learnt (even if it’s nothing something you currently have a natural ability for). how do I know? Because you can speak in your every day life.

    Every single day, you are using language to speak to your peers to persuade & converse. You have learnt the SKILL of speaking language through your words. Well, writing uses those same words - it’s just you haven’t yet got the same level of fluency for writing as you do speaking.

    It can be taught. I am living proof. So, my invitation is to challenge yourself. What if… you were the BEST copywriter around> But that sneaky limiting belief is holding you back?

  • Due to the nature of this program, & the information that we are providing you (paired with the fact we KNOW you’ll love it) there will NO refunds will be issued, under any circumstances. Please make sure that the course feels like a good fit for you, before enrolling.!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you ready to turn your content into cash & scale to multi 6 figures?

DISCLAIMER:This program is not a get rich quick scheme, it requires you to put in the work over a period of time, in order to see results. We can not guarentee anyone's result as each individual is so different.  We make an extreme effort to share with you all of the strategies, blueprints, and tools so you can apply them to your coaching business. However, it is solely up to you as the individual and business coach to make the income. By enrolling in this course you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

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